<aside> 📅 3rd of August from 12:00 CET till 18:00 CET Check your Timezone
Tired of online events where your only interaction is a shared chat screen with thousands of others?
Hi, I'm Bas Grolleman and run the Youtube channel Tools on Tech, and I wanted a different type of online event. One that's about the people there, not the company hosting it.
You can sign up through Gumroad, just follow this link and you will receive mail about the event and details when it's starting!
Please note, you do not need to donate, you can just fill in 0 at the amount.
No, but I helped out at other unconferences and large-scale events that were offline.
In general, I'm just winging it. So feel free to provide me with feedback.
Overall, it's one big experiment and I want you to be part of it.
We will use a wonder.me session, there will be a special background showing the Rooms so you know where to go for a topic.
And there will be a shared Notion page to keep track of people, topics and keep notes that everyone can reference later.
There's a limit to how many people can interact comfortably in a video call.
I hope by setting a limit the breakout sessions won't be too big.
And then there's the technical side. No idea how many people can edit 1 Notion page at once but we will find out!
Because participants in online events are in different time zones I'm using a system called slots. Need your local time? Take the start time and add the slot number.
For example, say the event starts at 14:00 in your local time and you know there's a topic in slot 2 you have to see, take 14:00 add 2 and you know it starts at 16:00 your local time.